The DBQ is the College Board's baby. You will have one of these in any of the Social Science AP Exams you take. Luckily (as of 2017), they are now are streamlined so that they all have the same rubric. You will have 55 minutes to write this beast. Below is what the College Board says about the DBQ:
You get 7 documents (@least 1 visual). Read them. Form a thesis. Form an argument. Answer the question. Use 6/7 documents. Gotta show source info on 4/7 (POV, Purpose, Historical Context, or Audience). And you gotta contextualize by putting your argument into historical perspective. Last bit=ESSAY COMPLEXITY. This means, how well written was your essay? Did you use documents to corroborate, qualify, or modify an argument?
OK. The DBQ is kind of a monster. The Multiple Choice is just that... a question with four multiple choices. The short answer is the same... questions with short answers. But, the DBQ has some moving parts. So, CLICK HERE for a file on the DBQ rubric and how you will be scored at the Reading in July.
Unlike the other questions (MC, Short Answer, etc.), the College Board only gives you one example in their initial offering. Here it is:
The above text is EXACTLY what you will see on the AP World Exam in May. This is the rubric they show you. All of the points of the rubric are there. So, don't just skip past this section. They are telling you how to get 7 points!
So, the DBQ has many moving parts. You will probably spend more time working on this essay in class than any other. As for the AP World History Exam, we've got one stop left. Click the banner below to go to the page devoted to the LEQ (Long Essay Question):