This is the biggest religion on earth. There are over 2 billion Christians out there. The whole thing started in the Middle East as a local Jewish carpenter claimed to be the son of god. He was later crucified by the Romans. According to the Christians, he came back from the dead and then went to heaven. This story has had a massive influence on the rest of history. If you live in the United States, you can't miss this story as Christianity is the predominant religion here. This is also (besides Buddhism with Ashoka and Siddhartha) the only religion that requires you to know TWO people in this era: Jesus and Constantine.
Christianity, based on core beliefs about the teachings and divinity of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded by his disciples, drew on Judaism, and initially rejected Roman and Hellenistic influences. Despite initial Roman imperial hostility, Christianity spread through the efforts of missionaries and merchants through many parts of Afro-Eurasia, and eventually gained Roman imperial support by the time of Emperor Constantine.
CHRISTIANITY from the Classical Mediterranean Notes