You thought the Great War was bad? Well, I’ve got some bad news… There’s a Second World War… WWII. It’s the big one. It’s roughly 3x as large as the First World War (WWI). We’ll get to all the madness that took place in the actual war. But, this section is all about the CAUSES. This is a pretty big topic, but don’t get lost here go with what the College Board says. They break it down like this: Terrible peace treaties and systems (Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations) that couldn’t keep the peace; the lingering effects of the Great Depression; the continued growth of the Western Empires (from Unit 6); and the rise of Fascist and Totalitarian regimes like Hitler and Stalin. The LITERAL cause here in the ATLANTIC THEATER was Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939 and in the PACIFIC THEATER, it was Japan’s invasion of China in 1937.