The AP World History Exam began in 2002. It followed a standard format for 14 years. The test was officially rebooted for the 2016-2017 exam. The following is a guide to that redesign and for the tests beginning in May of 2017.
The AP World History exam breaks down in the following ways. Notice there are 55 Multiple Choice Questions, 4 Short Answer Questions, a DBQ (Document Based Question), and a LEQ (Long Essay Question; which you will get to choose from 2 LEQs).
Section I comes in two parts: MULTIPLE CHOICE (55 Questions in 55 minutes) & SHORT ANSWER (4 questions in 50 minutes). All together this counts for 60% of the AP World History exam. Below are links to pages for each part. CLICK THE BANNERS BELOW to go to a page devoted to each subsection:
Below are some links to help you out in your quest to find the Trif... Sorry. To better understand the essays on the AP World History Exam this May.
Click this banner to take you to the website for the ON TOP OF THE WORLD podcast. They do some lovely work. Matt Drwenski & Dave Eaton tackle many topics specific to AP World HIstory and the AP World History Exam. Suggested episodes:
EPISODE 20: # FreeBillStrickland- Interview with Mr. AP World himself, Bill Strickland. He goes over the 2016-2017 redesign and why certain changes were made. Bill Strickland is truly the Oracle of AP World History. (Unlike me) when he talks, you should listen.
EPISODE 17: The New DB Cool- Breaks down the ins and outs of the new DBQ.
SCROLL DOWN ON THEIR BLOG: They have repurposed the LEGACY DBQs into the NEW DBQs. They have those peppered throughout June of 2016.